International Missions

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The church in the Yawaka community is overgrowing and has unlimited potential to impact its society. ELM is laying the foundation with ministries in Colombia through church planting in the marginal communities and outreach to the Wayuu people.

We operate a Medical Clinic, Pharmacy, Feeding, and Farming program in Wayuu Rancherias in the desert of northern Colombia. A pharmacy, a foundation in Bogota, and evangelistic campaigns in some small towns in the department of Boyaca.

Mercy Project
The Mercy Project will require using the financial resources God has blessed Everlasting Lord Ministries (ELM). This project consists of making a dining room for 20 children providing milk and corn shake for breakfast. While the children wait for lunch, they will have Bible study and lunch with protein, grains, and rice every day for 12 months. They will also receive medical supervision with the doctor, who will visit them every fortnight to evaluate them nutritionally….
Yawaka Medical Center

The Yawaka Medical Center” was set up, and it is ready to take patients.

The first Medical Brigade was held in July, 2020 with the help of 3 volunteers. The second Medical Brigade was held in November 2020, with the help of 15 volunteers — 3 doctors, 3 nurses, 5 logistics volunteers, and two Sunday School teachers.

Eleven Wayuu communities were invited to the medical campaigns — and they were given workshops on various topics….

Fundación Guajira Posible

Fundación Guajira Posible began as an extension of the Mercy Project as a drugstore to provide the necessary medicines to the patients at Yawaka medical center and beyond.

In partnership with our missionaries from the Fundación Guajira Posible, Rolando, Luz Marina, and family, together with two churches in each city, ELM carried out two Evangelical Crusades in the Department of Boyaca in the towns of Duitama and Paipa…..

Chicken Coop and Farming
The Lord gave us Isaiah 35:1 (The desert will rejoice, and the dry land will rejoice, and the desert will flourish like saffron) for two projects: The chicken coop is now finished, and there are currently 50 chickens and five roosters there. The area set aside for farming has been cleaned and fenced. One of the great benefits of this project has been the unity that has come about in the community, which will serve the children as a model for developing good habits.

If you only speak English, then you qualify to serve in this ministry --and-- if you speak Spanish, then you also qualify.

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International Ministries
Colombia Mission Trips: 2015201620172018 – 2019202220232024
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